How to Check Epson Printer Driver & Print Queue Status in Windows 10?

Sporadically, Epson printer stops printing any document, this mostly happens when the printer driver is busy in handling the print queue. When such a thing happens, the first thing you need to do is check your printer driver status and clean the print queue to continue. We are here going to discuss the steps for Windows 10 users, although if you have any other OS then please contact technicians on Epson Printer Helpline Number UK.

Go to Devices and Printers and look for your printer icon.
Right-click your printer icon and then left-click “See what’s printing”.
You will be able to see the number of documents in the print queue.
If there is any problem with your printer you will be able to see the status besides it. Example: Epson XXX- Paused or Epson XXX- Offline etc.

As per your Epson Printer Driver & Print Queue Status please follow the relevant suggestion given below:

Printer Status is “Ready”: If the status is ready then try printing a test page. For that:
From the print queue window, first, click Printer and then go to Properties.
Then from the General tab, click Print Test Page.
If the test page doesn’t print then try clearing the print queue.

The Printer is Paused: To resume printing please follow the given instructions.
Double-click your printer’s icon and then left-click to “See what’s printing”.
If the printing status is “Paused” then click on Printer and then un-tick the Paused Printing option.
This way you will be able to resume pending document, although if you can’t then please connect at Epson Printer contact number for aid.

Document waiting in the print queue: You need to cancel the pending print job and then restart your computer before you continue printing:
In the print queue window, go to Printer and then click “Cancel All Documents”.
You will be asked to confirm your action, please click “Yes” to delete print jobs.

Status says “Use Printer Offline”: In this case also you need to repeat the steps of “Document waiting in the print queue”.

Printer Status says “Deleting”: First you need to clear the print queue as mentioned above then only you can allow printer driver to delete. You need to repeat these steps for every driver of your printer and then restart your computer.

In case, you feel stuck or helpless at any point while performing these steps then feel free to ingress our service.


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